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We look forward to see you in our next event and be part of GFCBW-GLA family!  

請下載入會申請書, 填寫完後email 至世華大洛杉磯分會或是轉交世華大洛杉磯分會會員.

Please download the application form and fill it out and email to:




凡年滿二十五歲以上從事工商經營之女性,贊同本會宗旨,認同中華民國政府, 由本會會員兩人(一會員及一理監事)推薦,參加一次本會活動及一次例會, 並填具入會申請書,經 理 監事聯席會議審查通過者,成為本會會員。想申請新入會的工商婦女如曾有不當行為及爭議,或傷害其他組織的不良紀錄,本會可拒絕其加入。 


Membership Requirement

1. Any businesswoman over 25 years old who agrees with the vision and mission of GFCBW-GLA and recongnizes Republic of China.

2. She will be recommended by two members of GFCBW-GLA (one regular member and board member) and participate in one of the events and one board meeting.

3. She will complete the membership application and be approved by GFCBW-GLA.

4. GFCBW-GLA reserves the right to refuse a membership on the ground of the applicant's misconduct and disputes past or present.

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